Ahrefs vs Moz vs Semrush — Which is the Best SEO Tool?

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Welcome to our Ahrefs vs Moz vs Semrush comparison! I’ll take you on a deep dive of all their key features, including search engine data, reporting limits, rank tracking features, broken backlink building and much more. At the end of the post you’ll find an ‘at-a-glance’ summary of their key features too.

I’ll kick things off with a look at how these three SEO tools compare when it comes to search engine data.

Search engine data

The main focus of all three products is Google — most of the data supplied relates to its search results. This is hardly surprising, given that over 90% of all searches online are currently carried out using it (source: Statcounter).

However, some data is provided by all three tools for other search engines. In the case of Ahrefs, you can actually perform keyword research for 8 additional search engines, namely:

  • Amazon
  • Baidu
  • Bing
  • Daum
  • Naver
  • Seznam
  • Yahoo
  • YouTube

As for Moz, this lets you do some limited rank tracking on Yahoo and Bing in addition to Google. And Semrush lets you track Baidu rankings.

Now, it has to be said that the data provided for these other search engines by all three platforms is more limited than the information they surface for Google.

Choosing a search engine to pull data for in Ahrefs
Choosing a search engine to pull data for in Ahrefs

But because Ahrefs offers considerably more data from other search engines, it takes the win here.

Winner for quantity of search engines supported: Ahrefs

Project limits

All three products let you create ‘projects’ that allow you to keep regular tabs on a domain’s keyword rankings, broken links and technical SEO (and more, depending on which platform you’re using). And quite a lot of key functionality for Ahrefs, Moz or Semrush can only be accessed via projects.

Ahrefs and Semrush’s entry level plans are more generous than Moz’s when it comes to project limits — they let you work with five projects, while Moz’s plan restricts you to three.

As you go up the pricing ladders, you’ll encounter generous project limits — with Moz and Ahrefs maxing out at 50 projects on their most expensive (non-enterprise) plans; and Semrush capping them at 40 on its top-tier plan.

However, Ahrefs arguably wins again here because, so long as you can verify ownership of them, it technically lets you work with an unlimited number of domains.

Domain verification in Ahrefs
Domain verification in Ahrefs

(Verification involves adding some code to your site, adding a DNS record or connecting a Search Console account to Ahrefs).

Tool with most generous project limits: Ahrefs

Reporting limits

When it comes to how many reports you can pull as part of your monthly subscription, it’s a hands down win for Semrush.

Its entry-level plan lets you pull a whopping 3,000 reports per day, while Moz’s equivalent plan lets you run just 150 keyword queries and 5,000 backlink queries per month. And Semrush absolutely trounces Ahrefs here, because Ahrefs caps the number of reports you can pull on its entry level plan at a very meagre 500.

Semrush’s comparative generosity continues as you go up the pricing ladder — if you’re on its top-tier ‘Business’ plan, you get access to 10,000 reports per day, which comfortably beats the reporting caps applied by both Moz and Ahrefs on their equivalent plans (especially Ahrefs’, which only lets you run 1,000 queries per month on its $449 per month ‘Advanced’ plan).

Tool with most generous reporting limits: Semrush

Rank tracking

Rank tracking — also known as position tracking or SERP tracking — lets you track a website’s daily rankings for a set of target keywords that you define.

Of the three products, Ahrefs’ rank tracker is the most generous. On its entry level plan you can track 750 target keywords, while Semrush’s equivalent plan limits you to 500 and Moz’s 300. It’s a similar situation on more expensive plans — Ahrefs remains the more generous tool when it comes to position tracking.

Not only that, but the position tracking that Ahrefs offers is more ‘granular’ in nature — you can track rankings not just by country (as is the case in Semrush and Moz) but by locality too (town, city etc.).

Rank tracking by location in Ahrefs
Rank tracking in Ahrefs is more ‘granular’ in nature than in Semrush or Moz — you can track keywords not just by country but by locality too

There is a downside to Ahrefs’ position tracking functionality that’s worth flagging up however: by default you are restricted to weekly updates. Getting daily ones involves paying a not-insignificant additional monthly fee (of between $100 and $250 per month, depending on plan).

Pricing for additional rank tracking in Ahrefs
Pricing for additional rank tracking in Ahrefs

By contrast, Semrush lets you track rankings on a daily basis by default, and although Moz’s position tracking reports are issued weekly, it also lets you use an ‘on demand’ rank tracker that gives you real-time information on the position of a given keyword in search (this can be used up to 200 times a day).

Finally it’s worth pointing out that unlike Ahrefs, Semrush and Moz let you track rankings for more search engines than Google. In addition to providing data for Google, Semrush caters for Baidu, and Moz’s on demand rank tracker works with Yahoo and Bing.

(This is a slightly surprising situation, because as I discussed above, Ahrefs lets you perform keyword research for a wider variety of search engines.)

So overall, it’s a win here for Ahrefs on quantity and granularity, and a win for Semrush when it comes to daily rank tracking.

Best for rank tracking: it’s a draw between Ahrefs and Semrush.

Page crawl limits

Every month, all three products crawl any website you’ve added as ‘projects,’ reporting back on any problems it finds with them. Depending on which product you’re using, this could be things like broken links to it; load time; JavaScript errors, traffic etc.

And if you’re working with a large number of domains, or need to analyze very big websites, then the number of pages that can be crawled each month will be particularly important to you.

And it’s here that Moz scores its first victory over Ahrefs and Semrush, because it gives you a much larger monthly crawl limit than both its competitors — on its starter plan, it will happily crawl up to 400,000 pages per month, while Ahrefs and Semrush both restrict you to a 100,000 page crawl.

Moz's page crawl limits on its Standard, Medium, Large and Premium plans respectively
Moz’s page crawl limits on its Standard, Medium, Large and Premium plans respectively

And as you go up the pricing ladder, Moz remains the more generous tool of the three when it comes to page crawl limits.

Tool with most generous page crawl limit: Moz

User accounts

If you need to work in a collaborative way with your SEO platform, something that’s worth paying particular attention to is the issue of user accounts.

Moz is unique among the three tools in bundling multiple seats with its plans, with the number of seats you get on a Moz plan being as follows:

  • Standard: 1
  • Medium: 2
  • Large: 3
  • Premium: 5

By contrast with Ahrefs and Semrush, if you want to let more users access your account, there is no choice but to pay for more seats.

Semrush charges between $45 and $100 per additional user depending on plan type.

Ahrefs has quite a confusing approach when it comes to buying additional user accounts. It charges an additional $20 per ‘casual user’ (one that can run 100 reports per month) or between $40 and $80 per month depending on plan for a ‘power user’ (one that can run as many reports as the plan permits).

Moz lets you pay for additional users too, should the bundled seat counts not be sufficient for your needs. A flat fee of $49 per user applies, irrespective of plan type.

So overall, the most generous tool when it comes to user account provision is Moz.

Best tool for multiple user access: Moz

A large chunk of SEO revolves around the number (and quality) of backlinks that point to a website — Google effectively treats backlinks like votes for content, rewarding sites that have a lot of high-quality links pointing to them with higher rankings.

So knowing who’s linking to your competitors is important, because you can target the same or similar sites for backlinks.

Semrush's publicly available figures on backlink database size
Backlink database statistics from Semrush

According to the three companies’ own published figures, Semrush’s backlink database is the largest: it boasts 43 trillion backlinks to Moz’s 40.7 trillion and Ahrefs’ 35 trillion.

This doesn’t mean that Semrush will always surface the largest number of backlinks, but based on our tests, we’ve found this is usually the case.

Tool with largest backlink database: Semrush

Keyword database size

Your ability to carry out quality keyword research with any of these tools will depend on the number of keywords in their respective databases.

Based on publicly available figures from Ahrefs, Moz and Semrush, their databases contain the following quantities of keywords:

  • Ahrefs: 12 billion
  • Moz: 1.25 billion
  • Semrush: 25.7 billion.

So it’s another win for Semrush here, because its keyword database is the largest of the three.

A keyword difficulty score in Ahrefs
A keyword difficulty score in Ahrefs

It’s worth drawing attention to the fact that Moz’s keyword database is significantly smaller than the Ahrefs and Semrush equivalents. It’s still huge, and should be fine for a lot of applications — but if you’re working in an area that is ‘ultra-niche’ in nature, you might want to tread carefully before committing to Moz as a keyword research tool.

Of course, quantity is not the same as quality, and all three tools make bold claims about the latter. But if you’re looking strictly at numbers, Semrush wins here.

Tool with largest keyword database: Semrush

Traffic estimates

A key application of SEO tools is using them to get an estimate of how many visits a competing website is getting each month, and which of its pages are most popular.

This can help with reverse-engineering popular content, or coming up with content ideas for your own site.

Ahrefs and Semrush both beat Moz here, because they offer traffic estimates while Moz doesn’t.

A traffic estimate for a website generated by Ahrefs
A traffic estimate for a website generated by Ahrefs

In terms of the accuracy of these estimates, based on looking at Ahrefs and Semrush’s traffic estimates for domains that I have access to and comparing them against their actual traffic, I’ve found that Ahrefs’ guesses tend to be more accurate. But it will depend on the sites involved — I’ve noticed that Semrush tends to get it right more often when larger websites are involved.

And to Semrush’s credit, it gives you an idea (via an ‘accuracy indicator’) of how confident it is in the accuracy of its estimates.

The accuracy indicator in Semrush
The accuracy indicator in Semrush

Overall, I’d say that it’s probably a draw here for Ahrefs and Semrush.

Best tool for providing traffic estimates: it’s a draw between Ahrefs and Semrush.

Domain authority scores in Ahrefs, Moz and Semrush

Ahrefs, Moz and Semrush assign scores to websites to indicate how much ‘authority’ they have — a ‘Domain Rating,’ ‘Domain Authority’ or ‘Authority Score’ respectively. In all cases, a scale from 0 to 100 is used.

 Semrush's 'Authority Score' metric
Semrush’s ‘Authority Score’ metric

These scores give you an indication of how likely it will be that content published on a given domain will rank highly — or how valuable a backlink from it might be.

The three products’ scores are calculated in different ways however. With Ahrefs and Moz, a domain’s authority score is calculated mainly on the basis of backlinks pointing to it, but Semrush factors in backlinkssite traffic estimates and ‘spam factors’ when calculating it.

(Among other markers, Semrush’s spam factors include an imbalance between links and organic traffic; an unnaturally high percentage of dofollow domains; and too many referring domains with the same IP address).

This theoretically makes the Semrush authority score more accurate than the Ahrefs and Moz equivalents. Interestingly however, the Ahrefs domain rating score is typically used as the industry standard benchmark for evaluating the quality of domains.

Broken backlink building is an SEO strategy that involves identifying a link on a site that no longer leads to an active page (i.e., a “broken” one) and then reaching out to its owner, suggesting that they replace it with a link to a relevant page on your website.

As discussed earlier, Google factors in the number of links to a piece of content, and their quality, when ranking it — and broken link building can be helpful in increasing your backlink count.

Of the three tools, Ahrefs is the best option for broken backlink building — it gives you a dedicated (and super easy to use) tool for spotting broken links to a website.

Ahrefs' 'broken links' tool
Ahrefs’ ‘broken links’ tool

Semrush provides features for identifying broken inbound links too, but they are not quite as easy to use, and Moz doesn’t really provide you with a dedicated broken backlink tool at all.

Best tool for backlink building: Ahrefs

Search intent data

Search intent data gives you more context about why people click on search results for a particular website — to research something, locate a specific page, sign up for something, buy something etc.

And a key thing that differentiates Semrush and Moz from Ahrefs is their provision of really good ‘search intent‘ data.

When you are given a list of keyword suggestions in Semrush or Moz, they are accompanied by labels that let you know respectively whether a keyword suggestion is informationalnavigationalcommercial or transactional.

Search intent data in Semrush
Search intent data in Semrush

Semrush explains these terms as follows:

  • Informational = user wants to find a specific answer to a question
  • Commercial = user wants to investigate brands or services
  • Navigational = user wants to find a particular page or website
  • Transaction = user wants to complete an action (i.e., a purchase or other conversion).

Both Semrush and Moz let you filter keyword suggestions using the above labels, which makes it a lot easier to ignore irrelevant keywords.

In terms of which search intent tool is better, Semrush takes the win over Moz because its search intent feature is much more tightly integrated across several of its main tools — ‘Keyword Overview,’ Keyword Magic Tool’ and Keyword Strategy Builder’ — making it easier to work with search intent data to develop a comprehensive and competitive content strategy.

In Moz, you get access to search intent data in its ‘Keyword Suggestions’ report, but that’s about it.

As for Ahrefs, it recently introduced an ‘Identify Intents’ tool which gives you a bit of context about why a user might be searching for something — but the information provided is rather vague, and you can’t filter your results in any meaningful way using it.

So overall it’s a win for Semrush here.

Best tool for providing search intent data: Semrush

Historical data

Historical data is extremely useful for analyzing long-term trends in website performance and understanding the impact of search engine algorithm updates; it also helps in identifying which SEO strategies have been effective over time and can inform adjustments to future ones.

Of the three products being discussed here, Semrush gives you the most historical data — it’s available from 2012 to the present day, which compares positively with Ahrefs (which covers 2015 to the present day) and extremely positively with Moz (which only gives you access to a few months of historical data).

Accessing historical data in Semrush
Accessing historical data in Semrush

It’s also worth noting that Ahrefs only provides unlimited access to its historical data on its custom plan (‘Enterprise’). Its other pricing plans restrict access to between six months and five years of data, depending on the plan involved.

Pricing for the custom plan is the ‘Enterprise’ plan from Ahrefs is currently listed as $14,990 per year.

Best tool for accessing historical data with: Semrush

Content marketing tools

SEO is, at the end of the day, all about content — especially so since Google introduced its Helpful Content System (an algorithm that rewards high-quality, ‘people-first’ content). So having some features that help you create high-quality content in your SEO tool can be invaluable.

Semrush gives you a comprehensive set of these — but only if you’re on its $249-per month ‘Guru’ plan or higher. If you are, you can make use of its ‘content marketing platform,’ which gives you access to a topic research tool, content templates, an AI writing assistant and an on-page SEO checker.

Suggestions made by Semrush's Writing Assistant
Suggestions made by Semrush’s Writing Assistant

There’s nothing really comparable on offer from either Moz or Ahrefs, but Ahrefs does give you a ‘Content Explorer’ feature that lets you discover and analyze top-performing content in your niche (this can be helpful for generating topic ideas or identifying gaps in your content that you might need to fill).

Tool with best content marketing features: Semrush

Site auditing tools

During a site audit, SEO tools identify issues that might be having a negative effect on your search rankings. These problems typically include:

  • broken links
  • slow-loading pages
  • duplicate content
  • SSL problems
  • crawl errors
  • missing headers
  • overuse of keywords.

You’re then given an overall ‘health score’ along with a report detailing the problems you need to fix.

A site health score
A site health score provided by Semrush

Ahrefs and Semrush both give you similar-quality site audit tools that highlight just about any technical SEO issue you can think of; Moz’s is much less comprehensive, however.

(Examples of issues that Moz’s site crawl won’t necessarily pick up include problems with JavaScript, CSS, alt text and hreflang tags).

Overall though, I’d argue that Semrush’s site audit tool comes out on top. There are a couple of reasons for this: first, it doesn’t just focus on technical SEO, it gives you suggestions on how you can improve your content too.

Second, it lets you send any problem it finds to a CRM tool (its own built in one, Trello or a task manager of your choosing) — this makes it easier to stay on top of site health, and address any problems found in a more structured way.

Best site auditing tool: Semrush
Runner up: Ahrefs

PPC data

So far in this comparison I’ve looked at features that relate to organic search results. But some users will want to use these platforms to get data on pay-per-click (PPC) results too, or plan entire PPC campaigns with them.

The good news for Semrush and Ahrefs users is that PPC data is provided by both these tools; none however is available from Moz.

Semrush wins hands down in an Ahrefs vs Moz vs Semrush shootout in the area of PPC
Performing PPC research in Semrush

In terms of the quality and quantity of the PPC data provided by Ahrefs and Semrush, it’s fair to say that Semrush wins on both counts. Its dedicated ‘Advertising Research’ section gives you access to a host of PPC advertising metrics for domains, including:

  • paid-for keywords
  • ad positions
  • competitors
  • adverts displayed
  • ad campaign history
  • landing pages
  • subdomains used in ad campaigns.

The PPC data supplied by Ahrefs is useful, but more limited — you get to see the ‘paid keywords’ used to advertise a domain, headlines for the ads displayed and the landing pages used in PPC campaigns.

Best option for PPC research: Semrush

Add-ons and integrations

A lot of SaaS (Software as a Service) products like Ahrefs, Moz and Semrush can be integrated with other tools via the installation of apps.

On this front, Semrush has an app store that you can purchase additional functionality or integrations from. At time of writing this contains 38 third-party apps, which have a focus on providing enhanced analytics and data. They typically range in cost from $10 to $169 per month.

The Semrush app center
The Semrush app center

Additionally, Semrush offers its own range of add-ons: tools that offer additional market research, content marketing, analytics and local SEO features.

There’s nothing comparable on offer from Ahrefs and Moz however, which require you to make use of their API (more on which in a moment) if you want to create connections with other services.

Best choice for add-ons and integrations: Semrush

API access

An API, or Application Programming Interface, is a piece of software which acts as a bridge that lets different apps communicate with each other.

Ahrefs, Semrush and Moz all permit access to their APIs, letting you import SEO data into custom dashboards and reports, or incorporate it into your own applications.

However, this access comes at a price.

  • Ahrefs only provides API access by default on its ‘Enterprise’ plan (a ‘custom’ offering that involves negotiable pricing). This gives you access to 2m ‘API units’ — this limit can be increased by paying $50 per month for each additional 1m units. You can also buy API subscriptions from Ahrefs, which cost between $500 and $10,000 per month.
  • Semrush provides API access on its $499.95+ ‘Business’ plan (this gives you access to 10,000 ‘API units’ per month). If you need more, you can buy bundles of 20,000 units for $1.
  • Moz doesn’t bundle API access with its plans, but instead charges you additional fees of between $5 and $10,000 per month to use its API (the $5 option gives you 750 API rows; the $10,000 option gives you 40,000,000).

If you need API access, finding the option that’s right for you will depend on your budget, what data you need, and how each of the three platforms define a ‘unit’ or ‘row’ — so in essence you will need to do quite a bit of research here!

With Ahrefs though, you won’t be able to access its API at all unless you have a significant budget to play with. The same goes, albeit to a lesser degree, for Semrush.

So I’d say that overall, it’s a win for Moz here, because it lets you work with its API at a very low price point.

Moz API pricing
Moz API pricing

Cheapest API access: Moz

Customer support

When it comes to support, Semrush offers the most channels, providing customer service via phone, email and live chat.

Live chat support in Ahrefs
Live chat support in Ahrefs

By contrast Ahrefs offers support via email and live chat, and Moz’s support is email-only.

As for online support material, all three platforms provide searchable help portals containing a wide variety of articles and videos. However, Semrush’s is available in multiple languages (14), while Ahrefs and Moz’s are English only.

Most comprehensive support: Semrush

Pricing and value for money

The three products have similar pricing ranges; all offer non-enterprise plans that range in price from around $99 to $599. The exact pricing structure for each product is outlined below.

Ahrefs pricing plans

  • Lite — $129 per month
  • Standard — $249 per month
  • Advanced — $449 per month
  • Enterprise — custom pricing (negotiable).

Moz pricing plans

  • Standard: $99 per month
  • Medium: $179 per month
  • Large: $299 per month
  • Premium: $599 per month
  • Moz Enterprise: negotiable

Semrush pricing plans

  • Pro: $139.95 per month
  • Guru: $249.95 per month
  • Business: $499.95 per month
  • Custom: negotiable

Value for money

Although the above pricing ranges look fairly similar, it’s really important to note that the functionality you get on each plan varies enormously. In my view, there are a few key areas to zoom in on when trying to establish which product offers the most value for money.

  • How much data can be accessed each month
  • How many projects can be facilitated
  • How many search engines are supported
  • How many seats each plan comes with

When it comes to how much data can be accessed, the hands down winner is Semrush — it gives you much more of it. The reporting limits are considerably more generous than those of Ahrefs and Moz (especially so where Ahrefs is concerned). While the Semrush entry-level plan lets you pull 3,000 reports per day, you are limited to just 500 by default on the Ahrefs entry level plan.

As for how many projects can be facilitated, there’s not a huge amount in it, but Semrush and Ahrefs arguably both beat Moz, because their entry level plans facilitate five projects while Moz’s restricts you to three.

And it’s worth highlighting the fact that Ahrefs lets you work with an unlimited number of verified domains (ones you can prove ownership of), giving it a unique selling point in the context of this comparison.

However, what you have to watch out for here is the limited number of reports you can pull each month in Ahrefs. It’s all very well being able to work with loads of projects, but if they all share a small reports limit, the value of this is significantly reduced.

With regard to the number of search engines that are supported, it’s a clear win for Ahrefs. It provides data for nine of them, while Moz and Semrush effectively just cater for one (Google).

As for seats, Moz is probably the best value product here, because unlike Semrush and Ahrefs it bundles multiple seats with plans, and has a simple, flat fee option for adding more. By contrast, Semrush seats get more expensive with plans, and Ahrefs has a rather odd approach to additional seat pricing, involving ‘casual users’ and ‘power users’ that can pull differing numbers of reports each month.

Finally, as is the case with a lot of SaaS (Software as a Service) products, all three solutions give you discounts for paying upfront for a year. In the case of Ahrefs, you get 2 months free (effectively a 16.6% discount) if you do so; Semrush gives you a 16.6% discount too; and Moz is the most generous of the three here, giving you a 20% discount for paying annually.

  • Product giving you the most SEO data per month: Semrush
  • Product that gives you most flexibility on projects: Ahrefs
  • Product that provides data for the largest range of search engines: Ahrefs
  • Product with the most generous approach to seat pricing: Moz

Free trial availability

Given that the monthly fees for Ahrefs, Moz and Semrush are considerable, you’re probably wondering if there’s a free trial available for them.

In the case of Moz and Semrush, the answer is yes; but unfortunately, Ahrefs doesn’t provide one. It does provide free access to some cut-down versions of its tools, though.

In terms of trial length, Moz’s trial is more generous than Semrush’s, lasting 30 days, while Semrush’s lasts just seven. However, Semrush occasionally makes longer trials available — there’s a double-length one available for a limited time here.

Free trial links:


I hope you’ve enjoyed this Ahrefs vs Moz vs Semrush shootout! To wrap things up I’d say that ultimately Ahrefs and Semrush are considerably stronger products than Moz, and worthy of more serious consideration as your SEO tool.

There is a lot to like about Moz, and if it was priced more keenly than Semrush and Ahrefs, there would be an argument for using it instead of them — but the reality is that it offers a lot less functionality and data than these competitors at a very similar price point.

When deciding between Ahrefs and Semrush I’d focus on two things: how much data you need each month, and how many search engines you need data for.

If you think you’re going to be pulling a lot of SEO reports, then Semrush is definitely the better bet — its reporting limits are much more generous than Ahrefs’. But if you need access to search data from a wider range of search engines — including big hitters like Amazon and YouTube, then there’s a lot to be said for investigating Ahrefs.

Finally, if you have any thoughts or queries about Ahrefs vs Mos vs Semrush, please feel free leave them in the comments section below.

Ahrefs vs Moz vs Semrush — at-a-glance

Search engines catered for9 (including Google, Bing, Amazon and YouTube)3 (main emphasis is on Google but limited rank tracking data available for Bing and Yahoo)1 (Google)
Project limits5 on entry-level plan, 100 on top-tier one*3 on entry-level plan, 50 on top-tier one5 on entry-level plan, 40 on top-tier one
Report limit (entry-level plan)500 per month150 keyword queries and 5,000 backlink queries per month3,000 per day
Rank tracking limit750 on entry-level plan, 10,000 on top-tier one300 on entry-level plan, 4500 on top tier one500 per month on entry-level plan, 5,000 on top-tier one
Pages crawled/mo (entry level plan)100,000400,000100,000
User accounts1 per plan, additional seats must be bought1 to 5 depending on plan1 per plan, additional seats must be bought
Backlink database size35 trillion40.7 trillion43 trillion
Keyword database size12 billion1.25 billion25.7 billion
Traffic estimatesYesNoYes
Broken link building toolsExcellentNone availableAdequate
Search intent dataPoorGoodExcellent
Historical dataSince 2015None availableSince 2012
Content marketing toolsPartially availableNone availableVery good
Site auditing toolVery goodAdequateExcellent
PPC dataSome availableNone providedExtensive
Add-onsNoneNone38 third-party apps
API accessAvailable on ‘Enterprise’ plan (negotiable pricing)Available on any plan, but fees of $5/mo – $10,000/mo applyAvailable on $499.95 ‘Business’ plan
Customer supportEmail and live chatEmail onlyEmail, live chat and phone
Pricing (non-enterprise plans)$129 to $449 per month$99 to $599 per month$139.95 to $499.95 per month
Discount for paying annually2 months free20%16.6%
Free trialNone available, but some free tools can be usedYes — details hereYes — details here

* Unlimited in the cases of domains where you can verify ownership.

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